Faith Step Workshop

Faith Step Workshop | Sat. January 11 @ 9am.

Faith Steps

Baptism. Membership. Communion. Confessing your faith.

Looking to be baptized or become a member of FOF? Are you or your child thinking about taking communion for the first time? Or maybe making a profession of faith? We call these Faith Steps. Our Faith Step Workshop is designed to help you take these steps on your spiritual journey.

By attending the Faith Step Workshop you are not making a commitment to any of these. It’s simply a great, no-pressure way to explore what they're about, why they're important, and how to take the step.

Our next Faith Step Workshop is on Saturday, January 11 from 9am - 1pm.

Childcare available upon request. Contact Jessica Brown.


Life. New birth. Washed clean. Dying to that which destroys us. It’s how the Bible describes baptism. Come to the water.


There’s something powerful about walking with another as they walk with you. Take a step in your walk with Jesus and commit to this incredible community of Christ followers.


Confirming your faith. Professing your faith. Confessing your faith. A public testimony… Call it what you will, it’s a big step in the life of a believer.


FOF regularly practices communion, a special meal that proclaims Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. It’s a powerful way we celebrate our unity with him and with each other.

  • Download our Communion Roadmap for our beliefs on communion and approach to taking it for the first time.