Boulder Spring Retreat

For 5th-12th grade students. Fri and Sat April 19-20.

Boulder Student Ministry

Becoming disciples of Jesus finding their place with God in the world today.

For 6th-12th grade

Boulder PM | sundayS @ 5-8 pm

Take a deep breath. Count to ten. Unclench your jaw. Close your eyes. (Or don't, since you're trying to read). You've probably learned a trick or two like this to help you deal with feelings of stress, worry, or overwhelm. Unfortunately, there are a lot of reasons to feel stressed on most days. So between school, family, relationships, and questions about our future, what can we do about everything that's causing us stress? During Jesus’ ministry, he spent a lot of time with people during some really stressful moments. In this four-week series from the Gospels, we'll see how, when we’re not okay, Jesus offers hope. We’ll discover that when people reject us, Jesus never will. We’ll see that when it’s not easy to do what’s right, it’s still worth it. And we’ll be reminded that when you feel worried, Jesus can be trusted.

Boulder AM | Sundays @ 9am

An Overview of the Whole Bible for Teens

Star Trek fans read every book and see every movie. Harry Potter fans pour over every world. Marvel Cinematic Universe fans know every element of their inter-connected universe.

But why do Christians not know the entirety of our sacred text? Want to battle Biblical illiteracy? Want to eradicate it? The first step in knowing the whole Bible is knowing what each book is and how it connects to the overall story. From the perspective of a storyteller, these short videos will teach you what each book of the Bible is, what happens in it and how that connects to the overall stories of God’s promises, covenants and plan of redemption. 

BOULDER midweek | wednesdays @ 6pm

Unpack the weekend message and how it relates to everyday living with 6th-12th grade Boulder students. Dinner at 5pm and Boulder starts at 6pm.


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