Discipleship Groups
Biblical teaching | Fellowship | prayer
Spiritual growth happens best when we personalize it with others in smaller settings. We want to help you grow spiritually, connect with God, and connect with others. A great way is in Discipleship Groups.
Connect with other people around a spiritual topic. Groups focus on devotion to the apostles’ teaching, prayer, and other spiritually-related practices. Think Bible studies, prayer groups, and accountability groups. It's our way of fostering Acts 2 community.
How do I Join?
It's easy. Just find a group you like and check it out. Every group is ready to welcome you. Reach out to the leader for more information. And if it's at FOF, just show on the day and time they meet!
Learn How to Pray
Prayer is like learning to talk. It comes naturally, especially the more we do it, but is also a skill to learn. How did Jesus pray? Those first Christians? And others for centuries? What do they have to teach us? This eight-week class dives into Biblical prayer and the examples of others who can teach us the art of intimate communication with God.
Time: Sundays @ 9-9:45am
Location: FOF Sanctuary
Contact: David Gaddini (pastor@fellowshipoffaith.org | 815-759-0739)
Fellowship in the Word
An in-depth study of the book of Exodus and a look at its surrounding historical and literary contexts.
Time: Mondays @ 1:30-3pm
Location: FOF
Contact: Arthur O’Dell (troilus595@yahoo.com | 630-205-6249)
Women's Bible Study
Using Max Lucado's, "Experiencing the Heart of Jesus," this study is designed to bring people closer to the heart and soul of Jesus, and how his gospel flows through his relationship with us, and our relationships with others. Explore the human qualities of Jesus we emulate in order to find peace in the midst of chaos.
Time: Tuesdays, 9:30-11am
Location: FOF
Contact: Marilyn Albanese (mjalbanese70@gmail.com | 815-321-3470)
Single Senior Discipleship
The challenges as senior citizens are unique. These are compounded when we're single, whether widowed, divorced, or never married. We meet to support and encourage each other in like circumstances in pursuit of the way of Christ around food.
Time: 4th Tuesday of the month for lunch
Location: Area restaurants and homes
Leader: Sally Roth (Sallyroth@comcast.net | 815-245-0993)
Couples Group
Gather with other couples to learn and discuss how God defines and displays love. A love your soul craves.
Time: Tuesdays, 6:30-8pm
Location: Crystal Lake
Contact: Todd & Jenny Wielgos (twielgos@fellowshipoffaith.org | 847-254-4431)
Power Up & Pray It Up
Connect with other gals, grow in your relationship with Jesus through a time of prayer, and develop fitness levels by participating in a HIIT format workout. No experience necessary!
Time: Tuesdays, 7pm
Location: FOF
Leader: Tammy Steinkamp (tammysteinkamp@yahoo.com | 847-284-1168)
Women's Group
One at a Time by Kyle Idleman
As we better understand the surprising habits of Jesus, we unlock the power of small things done with great love and discover how God wants to use us to change the world one person at a time.
Time: Wednesdays @ 9:15-11am (June 5 through July 17)
Location: Island Lake
Contact: Kym Theiszmann (kat.beacon@gmail.com | 847-712-7376)
Men's Group
Guys getting together to talk God, family, friendship, and fun.
Time: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
Location: McHenry
Contact: Steve Wells (swells@fellowshipoffaith.org | 402-525-7832)
Wednesday Night Ministries
Gather for dinner at 5pm. Choose from one of five different groups that meet from 6-7pm. Children's and Student Ministry too. Visit our Wednesday Night Ministry page for more information.
Women's 12-Step Group
A deeper dive into the Celebrate Recovery 12-Steps to work through hurts, habits, and hang-ups that hinder us from living our best lives as the new creation Christ created us to be.
Time: Saturdays, 9-11am
Location: FOF
Contact: Lisa King (wantstoknow2003@yahoo.com | 815-979-8910)